
IPTV Encoders

One of the challenges facing you as an IPTV and/or OTT provider is to deliver high quality video to your customers reliably, fast and without loss of quality. The end-to-end IPTV process involves complex encoding and middleware solutions.
Present day customers are highly demanding when it comes to the variety and quality of video content they expect from their IPTV provider. This means they not only expect to be able to view every conceivable format, but also to access content from a variety of devices such as TV’s, gaming consoles, PC’s, smartphones and tablets. This poses a serious challenge to your encoding and middleware can help you achieve a profitable business model, contact Mware Solutions for more information.

The role of Mware’s IPTV Encoder in your IPTV system

Typically, a modern IPTV or OTT provider processes and delivers video from any number of sources to their end customers. Video signals may be acquired from satellite, cable, off-air or file-based. All these video signals must be processed and then compressed, preferably without loss of quality.
The Mware IPTV middleware solution comprises an encoder which meets and even surpasses your expectations. It achieves great picture quality while using lower bit rates, thus helping you to minimize bandwidth and storage costs. Top quality video for your customers, cost effective technology for you.
Today’s IPTV market is highly competitive and audiences are extremely volatile. Only those providers that offer constant high quality video while minimizing expenses will survive and thrive. Mware’s IPTV encoder and middleware solutions can help you keep up with and even surpass the competition.

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