
Why choose CloudTV?

Learn about the benefits of using CloudTV for your TV service


Why choose CloudTV?

Why choose CloudTV, this a question we get a lot these days and it is a good question since Cloud is rather new for the OTT and certainly IPTV projects and operators.
A traditional setup for OTT IPTV Middleware Platform is on a couple of SQL Datastore servers in combination with some User Interface servers and last but not least a IMS Middleware server, depending on the scale of your operation your server park could grow to 50 servers. Mware Solutions is always working on getting the footprint (number of servers) as low as possible so where a traditional Middleware Platform uses 50 servers we could already do it with only 3 server for a service up to 100k customers.
With our latest release of our CloudTV Middleware Platform we are proud to announce no servers are needed anymore as we have moved the whole solution into the Cloud, this saves you a lot of money in upfront investment in servers. The nature of Cloud is autoscaling and this is an option that offer great cost savings in short and long term. Next to that our CloudTV is super fast this means your customers enjoy a fluent and smooth service thus making them very happy with the choice to choose your service. But there are more benefits as to why CloudTV is the best choice for your next project or current service, please read our Blog article: Why Mware CloudTV is the best choice for OTT & IPTV Operators for more information.
If your want to talk to our sales team about the benefits of Mware CloudTV for your organisation then click here to contact us.

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