
Television – The Favorite Leisure
By S. Kerstens CEO Mware Solutions | August 16, 2017| IPTV OTT

Right since the advent of television in the 1800s, it has proved to be the best go-to option for providing entertainment to families across the world. The passing decades and centuries have given the television different shapes and sizes – better looking more compact with more features. But it has been a constant companion in households. Even after smartphones and computers became “smart” enough to transmit television programs right into such web-enabled devices, televisions have successfully maintained their important position.
Studies conducted show that as much as 78% of the Europeans watch television daily, with almost one in every two individuals watching TV for more than 2 hours a day. This data places television at the top position in terms of favorite leisure activity in Europe, by-passing listening to music at 71%, reading at 58% and even surfing the internet at 44%. A very low percentage of Europeans (approximately 4%) claim to never watch television. While a whopping 90% watch TV with the purpose of gaining information, a very high percentage of the population utilizes it for entertainment, 85% to be exact. It is claimed by 71% of the European that television serves as a source of leisure; which is vetoed by 71% of the females and 66% of the males. 16% of the Europeans seem to be really hooked to their TV since they claim to not even answer the telephone during their favorite show.
Television is not necessarily something that people like to watch alone of strictly with spouses or family. Even social gatherings are often revolved around the television, especially during football season or when people are binge-watching movies with their friends. Mostly men and young women prefer to watch television with their friends at approximately 39% and 52% respectively. Usually families have greater tendency to watch television together when their children are still young.

The data has one major inference – no matter how much technology advances, the good old television is there to stay. However there have been major changes in TV technology with Internet Protocol TVs or IPTVs starting to replace traditional cable satellite transmission modes. The world is becoming smarter with Smart TVs and HDTVs and the next generation in TV technology is the IPTV. That is what the world is moving towards.
With more and more people opting for IPTVs in place of traditional subscriptions with TV service providers, it has become mandatory for the service providers to go with the tide of innovation. The revolution towards IPTVs has already started, because that is exactly what the future holds.
If you are a consumer looking for better on-demand video content services or you are cable TV service providers wanting to take the step forward and get into a tie-up with IPTV set top box manufacturers, then all you need to do is come to MWare Solutions. We promise you the best quality service at affordable costs. satellite